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Olivers Lullaby

for Tess Remy-Schumacher, dedicated to my son, Oliver.

In Memoriam

In Tribute to Dr. Irvin Wagner

Guitar Trio no. 1

Liberation of Kharkiv

inspired by the late September 2022 Ukraine Counteroffensive in the Russia-Ukraine war of 2022


Prayer for Peace

for Victims of the 2022 War in Ukraine


an Orchestral Overture

When The Dust Settles

F, Make it Sharp

A Minimal Journey


The Depths

A Soundscape Based on the Work of HP Lovecraft


A Soundscape Based on the Work of HP Lovecraft

Day In the Life No. 1

Train Operator

Symphony No. 5

Westward Journey

Prelude in F Minor

Somber Victory

Reed Quintet in Three Movements


Cellular Data

Improvisations on Sonata Form

The Tinkerer

for Bassoon Quartet

Nocturne for Dice

Improvisation for Open Ensemble, Dice, and Poker Table

Time Will Decide

for Wind Band

Quartet for Excelsior

Fantasy on the Unknown


A New Way of Composing

Winds of Time

Service Please!


for Double Bass and Piano

String Quartet 3

Symphony no. 4


Recycled Material

Free Flute!

A work for Unaccompanied Flute

Saxophonic Variability

Strung Out!

Weathered Time

A sonification of 200,000 years of Climate History


Tempests Suite

Symphony no. 3



Written on Commission by the esteemed Emily Keeling, B.M.T.

Hard Nights Day

Written as a requirement for the 2014 MSM composition interview process.

Journey Through Thought

as I drift to madness.

Fluid Reflections

A twelve-tone, fugal palindrome.


of my own imagination.

Philip Glass Buys a Loaf of Bread

Descent to Madness

An experiment in Extended Flute and Piano Techniques.


Aria for Soprano Voice and Chamber Orchestra with Lyrics by Allison Johnston

Symphony No.2

Anatomy of a Nervous Breakdown

An experiment in post-tonal composition.

String Quartet 2

Civil Unrest

A Civil War Medley

Peace of Cultures

Concert Overture



Dedicated to the Glendale High School class of 2010

Symphony no. 1

String Quartet no. 4

Overture in F Minor

Concert Overture for Orchestra


Written for YCC 2009

String Quartet 1

Despair, Drive, and Conflict

September 11th

In memory of those we lost on September 11th, 2001.