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Liberation of Kharkiv

inspired by the late September 2022 Ukraine Counteroffensive in the Russia-Ukraine war of 2022


Liberation of Kharkiv, written in early October 2022, is a reaction to the heroic counteroffensive by Ukraine’s armed forces launched in late September 2022 as part of the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict. It is also a sort of sequel to Prayer for Peace (2022). The melody, as it unfolds, is representative of a liberation force nearing their goal and as we finally hear the full realization of the melody at rehearsal G we reach the moment of liberation. Though this is not the end, as each fight continues into the next and each victory, though joyous, is but one part of a larger mission of liberation.

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DVLB 01-1074

String Orchestra

Completed Oct 10, 2022

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ASCAP# 918159971

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